19 years ago visionary George Lucas stunned the world with the long-awaited tragic conclusion of his Star Wars prequel trilogy! From the higher ground to another happy landing, Episode III tied up the saga in a neat bow and we’re here to celebrate! Star Wars Minute and The George Lucas Talk Show are proud to present on November 16, 2024, at Dynasty Typewriter their LIVE reading of the original screenplay to The Revenge of the Sith, with a radical cast including some of the galaxy’s hottest stars (…and maybe some surprises?!) The infamous CLONE WARS have reached a crescendo as ANAKIN SKYWALKER and OBI-WAN KENOBI confront the fiendish GENERAL GRIEVOUS and his manager COUNT DOOKU. There may be greater forces at work, so will YODA and the other JEDI be able to defeat the mysterious DARTH SIDIOUS?