Movie's information

Dawn of the Damned
Dawn of the Damned



The Synopsis:

This excellent feature-length documentary - the story of the imperialist colonization of Africa - is a film about death. Its most shocking sequences derive from the captured French film archives in Algeria containing - unbelievably - masses of French-shot documentary footage of their tortures, massacres and executions of Algerians. The real death of children, passers-by, resistance fighters, one after the other, becomes unbearable. Rather than be blatant propaganda, the film convinces entirely by its visual evidence, constituting an object lesson for revolutionary cinema.

The Cast:

  • Mouloud Mammeri
  • Mohamed Chouikh
  • René Vautier
  • Ahmed Rachedi
  • Mazouz Ould-Abderrahmane
  • Sid Ahmed Agoumi
  • Salah Teskouk
  • Samia Meziane
  • Mahdia Magroufel
  • Hamou Saadaoui
  • Daniel Boukman

