Movie's information

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: AkaNinger vs. StarNinger Hundred Nin Battle!
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: AkaNinger vs. StarNinger Hundred Nin Battle!



The Synopsis:

After arguing about whose fashion sense is better, Takaharu and Kinji go outside with their costumes to be judged by the public. Expectedly, they are laughed at due to their outrageous costumes. They then notice a dark aura surrounding several stones, which Kinji depicts as Hyakki Yakou, an event in summer where a hundred Youkai would revive and destroy the town at night.

The Cast:

  • Shunsuke Nishikawa
  • Hideya Tawada
  • Yuuka Yano
  • Tetsu Inada
  • Hironori Kondoh
  • Kouzou Douzaka

