Isolatta show four isolated artists, each one in their apartment, in the same building, contrasting the hiper-reality of quaarantine's everyday experience with poetization of same desires, anguishs and hopes though the dance.
Philosophy in the Boudoir
The Cave of the Golden Rose 3
Head Over Heels 2
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Fantomas Unleashed
Hi, Mom!
Tom Thumb
Tel chi el telùn
50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments
Harry Potter: A History Of Magic
Tom and Jerry Blast Off to Mars!
Arsène Lupin
The Poet
Phantastische Harry Potter Momente - Das große SAT.1 Spezial
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson
Winnie the Pooh: 123's
After the Storm
The Magic Touch of Harry Potter