Movie's information

Året var 1969
Året var 1969



The Synopsis:

In the last year of the 60s, history gets the chance to breathe a little after the turbulent 1968. Pippi Longstocking rides into the television sets and the writers demonstrate for more compensation. There is also a space race - where both the Soviet Union and the USA send up their rockets. Towards the end of the year, Sweden finally gets its second TV channel, TV2.

The Cast:

  • Jonas Fohlin
  • Neil Armstrong
  • Inger Nilsson
  • Astrid Lindgren
  • Carl Gustaf von Rosen
  • Janis Joplin
  • Ove Kindvall
  • Björn Skifs
  • Pugh Rogefeldt
  • Jarl Borssén
  • Ragnar Lassinantti
  • Margareta Sjödin

