Also Enteres In
新婚シリーズ 最初が肝心
Duel of the Underworld
Gang's Upward Strategy
新婚シリーズ 月給日は嫌い
300 Million Thief: Statute of Limitations
Tales of President Mito
The Ambitious Youth
Hibari's Tale of Pathos
Seven-Color Mask: King Rose - Devil's Rose
A Devil of a Gentleman
Mannen Taro and His Feminine Colleagues
The King
Three-Headed Tower
Keishichō monogatari gao no nai on'na
Tenka no Kaidanji Senpū Tarō
The Injured Boy
The Yellow Climate
The Prickly-Mouthed Geisha Goes to Sado
Excursion to Treasure Isle