Tsubaki Kato is a Japanese AV Pornstar. She is born in Japan, Tôkyô prefecture. Her Cupsize is C size. Her Body Measurements are: JP 83-58-88 (US 33-23-35). Her Height is 161cm. Her Height Type is average.
Also Enteres In
Pervert Observation Shame Hole Bare
Junjō nurashi, aijō kurashi
Body Trouble
Adult Classmates, and First Love
Tawawana kimochi: Zenbu yatchaou
Onna kankoshi: Yasuragi no binyû
Petting monster: Kairaku kui makuri
Japanese Gangster History Ambition Corps 4
Hitozuma ero dôchû: ageshiku nosete
Mud of Love
Ninjô feromon: Mochihada wa shizukami
Onna sagi-shi to bijin singer: O-atsui no wa dotchi?
Hitorizuma: Ureta tabiji no hate ni
Spirit Rape - Infiltrating Genuine Haunted Sites Investigated by Locals -