Mustajab Budhrasa


Mustajab Budhrasa

Mustajab Budhrasa

1901 - 1977

Mustadjab Budhrasa or M. Budhrasa (born in Tegal, 13 April 1901 - died in Jakarta, 12 September 1977) was an Indonesian film actor, director and scriptwriter. Education: Graduated from PGNS (Normal School Teacher Education). Before going to film, Mustadjab was a teacher in Pekalongan (1918-1925); actor and director of the plays "Dardanella," "Boleros"' "Dewi Mada," "Bintang Surabaya" and the play 'Irama Musik," and others. Still active in the world of drama, he entered film since 1949. His first film was Terang Bulan (1950). Budhrasa then appeared in the films Djembatan Merah (1950), Ajah Kikir (1951), Si Mientje (1952), Lagu Kenangan (1953), Gara Gara Djanda Muda (1954), Kasih dan Tjinta (1956), Djakarta By Pass (1962), Ratu Amplop (1974), Manager Hotel (1977), and others.

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